Monday, August 2, 2010

Turning Japanese

Hola todos
I am writing from a Refresh Room in the airport at Osaka, and am trying to find my way on a Japanese keyboard so please excuse the mistakes.

I nearly didn‘ď˝” make the flight here as the plane was delayed in Madrid/ There was only enough time to make it from one gate to the other and I walked straight on to the next plane. There was a small glitch at passport control when the man told me that I was in the wrong line - that the one I was in was only
for European passports/  I ask you, if the sign says All Passports, what is a girl to think? He said that I didn:t have the right stamp or some such thing/ I told him that my flight was leaving and I had to get through - he let me - I guess he didn:t want a tantrum!

As I have a long wait here in Osaka, I decided to book some time in the refresh room, where I have had a shower, a drink, I can use the computer and have a sit in a massage chair.  I thought it would be a good idea to relax a little before the next journey.
I have a book to read and there are some shops to look at - don:t panic John!
My plane lands in Auckland at 5.30am Tuesday morning - am looking forward to being home. It has been a wonderful trip.

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