Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Goldfish is back in the Pond

Bueno, Yo soy en mi casa. 

After a very long trip, I am finally home, in front of a warm fire, on a gray misty day, missing the sun!
I flew the last leg Air New Zealand - they were the best airline for food and service, and had plenty of leg room.

I did sleep a bit on the plane which made the time go quickly for me, but today I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Noelene called in on her way to Pukekohe, and Mum, Dad and Annette were here for breakfast. John had lit the fire and it was so warm and comfortable lying on the sofa, that I just drifted off to sleep.
I am sure that tonight will not be a problem as I had been awake for nearly 2 days, so today's nap was a catch-up!
This morning my bag was about 4th on the carousel and I went straight through customs so I was feeling very fortunate, as I had heard a few stories while in Spain of lost luggage, never to be found. There was a woman on the same flight as me from Amsterdam, whose luggage did not make it even as far as Osaka, and a friend's luggage stayed in Frankfurt yesterday, whilst she flew on to Sydney.

The gods of the luggage carousel were obviously on the ball for my suitcase - must have been the pink plastic handles that I had torn off a shopping bag and tied onto the handles of  my bag in the hotel in Madrid!
My challenge now is to organise my photos and videos into a reasonable order - shouldn't take more than... a month or two perhaps!

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