Monday, July 19, 2010

Plaza del Sol Madrid

Bringing back a few memories today. Am in the same internet cafe that Hannah and I used to come to when we were in Madrid.  And I found it first off, well actually I looked at some shoes first!!
Am on my way back to Granada after a wonderful trip to Toledo, and decided to stop off and kill an hour or so in the city.  Airports are so uninteresting!
I took loads of photos, ran the battery down in my camera filming a light show, but it was worth it. 
Ok, time to catch the Metro,
Hasta luego

1 comment:

  1. Hola Senora Lee, Hoy es lunes. Son las tres menos quince por la tarde. Hace frio.

    We are reading your blog. Thank you for your messages on our chat box.

    Hasta luego.
